Finding the best evidence for what works to achieve a healthy net-zero future
Novel technologies and policies
That support zero-carbon initiatives and projects
Leading to human health benefits
Evidence Bank
The Pathfinder Initiative is bringing together evidence on climate mitigation actions with the largest potential health benefits across sectors. Our evidence bank also highlights case studies of implemented solutions with measured climate and health benefits.
Case Study Highlights
Flood mitigation
Poverty alleviation and environmental restoration in Humbo

Victorian Healthy Homes Program

Physical activity
More Bikes, Less Emissions
Coalition on Climate Action for Health
The Coalition on Climate Action for Health is a global community of committed partners, from all sectors of society, working together to accelerate the transition to a healthy, sustainable future for all.
Who's involved
The Climate and Health Evidence Bank is hosted by the Pathfinder Initiative, led by The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and supported by an international group of partners, funded by The Wellcome Trust and the Oak Foundation